The deck is a great place to relax when winter is done and the spring season has started. However, you need to prepare it especially after a harsh winter. Here are a few spring prep pointers.

Watch Out for Moisture Damage
Spring will cause plenty of accumulated snow to melt all around your deck, exposing your deck to a lot of moisture. This is especially important for wood or metal decks that may be vulnerable to corrosion. Check the floor panels and guard rails for signs of rot and rust, and have those spots fixed by an expert.
Look for Mold
As the days warm up, mold becomes more active. While mold formations do not pose a direct threat to your deck, it is an indication that some parts of your deck are causing moisture to stay long enough to encourage mold growth. Deck experts say that mold spots often show up as brown or dark green spots, so keep an eye out for those.
Get Your Deck Coated
Spring will bring plenty of rain, so it’s high time to make sure your deck’s exposed components are protected. Get an expert to apply protective coating to vulnerable areas, such as screws, exposed beams and other components not made of corrosion-resistant material.
Decorate It
Spring is a season of life and fresh starts, so get into the spirit by adding spring-themed decorations. Of course, you always have the option to add potted or hanging flowering plants or bring out colorful furniture to match the blooming flowers that come with spring.
Let us help you prep your deck to welcome the spring season. GO Construction Services, LLC is the leading home exterior contractor in the area. You can contact us at (717) 423-3232 or fill out this contact form to request a quote.